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Sunday, 18 December 2011

Moshi Monsters

what the hell is a Moshi Monster? Am I supposed to know? They look stupid.

One is obviously a panda, that one with the sunglasses is a bird I think, and then there's the crazy purple star thing. In what world would those three hang out together? Maybe the bird and the panda would be friends but definitely not that purple star thing. He looks mental.

Now, check out these 'Monster Jokes' on the back of the packet.

"What's hairy and coughs?"

That could be anything.

"What do you get if you cross Flumpy with a dozen eggs?"

A Flumpy omelette?

What sort of a joke is that anyway? Who is Flumpy? Why is he being crossed with eggs - and why a specific number of eggs?

Then there's this one:

"What does Waldo eat for dinner?"

Even if I knew what Waldo was, I cannot fathom an answer to that joke which would be at all funny or make any sense whatsoever.

Let me tell you, the answer to these jokes are NOWHERE on the packet. I looked everywhere.
I was even forced to visit the Moshi Monsters website to search for them but they ARE NOT THERE EITHER.

But then I realised...

Perhaps they are not really jokes at all, but existential questions designed to make children question the world beyond their limited brains. The answers are not available anywhere because there are no answers, except the truth you find within yourself.

It becomes clearer when you look at the sweets themselves: 

Stare at that for a minute and then tell me the layers of your brain aren't peeling off like an existential onion.

Now look at this little fellow:

Does he look like a monster to you? No he is a jolly gingerbread man isn't he.  OR IS HE? Maybe he is laughing at your face. Does he know what Waldo has for dinner? Maybe he IS Waldo?

I was wrong about Moshi Monsters - they are not stupid, they are the opposite. They've made me question every single thing I thought I knew about the universe.

My only option was to gobble them all up before my brain exploded. (they all tasted really nice by the way.)

Moshi Monsters, 50p, from Bazooka Candy.
Gobble Monkey says: 6 out of 7

EDIT: new information has come to light since writing this post.
See:  Moshi Monsters: Addendum


  1. How cute! I love the look of the gingerbread man!

  2. Love the jokes with no answers! Lol. That's just utter madness.

  3. I Got Some Today. They're Awesome. I Love Moshi Monsters, So I'd Be An Expert. 1. The Pink 'onion-thing' In Your Hand Is A Puffer Fish On It's Side....Duh!
    2. WALDO Is Sitting On The Question!
    3. It EVEN SAYS 'Answers Under Flap' On The Pack!!!!! Seriously???!!!

    1. Where did you get them from??? I live in the UK and I'm trying to find them for my son!!!

  4. Can anyone tell me where to buy these please??? I am desperately trying to find them for my 8yr old son!!! Thank-you x

    1. ASDA sell them, I bought them from there. They're DELICIOUS!!!

  5. hi anon - i don't think they are on general sale yet, but will be soon!

  6. My kids love these :D

  7. You made me lol with the "looks mental" thing.

  8. You know, the purple star thing is IGGY.

  9. lol iggy mental?!?!?

  10. this really made me laugh, thanks :)
